Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Cunningcrispmas in banff

So finally back in fernie after a couple of weeks in Banff for Christmas and New Year. Had an absolute ball. Unreal mix of people at the house which made it pretty special. The orphan Christmas was spent with lunch at Earls followed by a few hundred drinks back at the house which carried on for some well into Boxing Day. There was no evidence of any homesickness simply because the company was so freaking fun!!! Got up to the mountain a few times (Sunshine) and attempted a day at \lake Louise which was cut super short as it was -30 and icy and im pretty sure the skin cells on my toes were starting to blacken. Went on a day trip with Binnie, Drew and Scotti to a frozen waterfall which was a pretty awesome sight, and people were ice pickin their way up the punk!! crazy. New Years was at our house with the theme of dress to your wig... So you buy a wig and dress to it. I Thought ahead with the knowledge of my eyes in photos and decided to match my wig to me eyeballs (red as) and then go from there. Once again an amazing night with DJ Phil Noda on the decks till 9.30am pretty much and most of the population of Banff was in the house. I however took advantage of Rhys' king mattress and snuggled in there while he partied on. Scotti and I raced to the bridge to watch teh fireworks for the countown and Binnie impressed people (and nearly killed himself) by stripping down to a leotard in -20 degree temps to run home...anything for a laugh and an applause eh. All in all was a wicked night. The last few nights in Banff scotti and I had a hotel room for some time before the boys left (and to avoid the snoring rendition by drew and binnie). Bought a $650 plymoth voyager to bring back for a sweet van to get us to the mountain and back. Drove the boys to calgary last night and said our goodbyes for now...definately not a highlight of my trip at all. The van got me back home to fernie safely even though i chose the scenic route, but 5 hours, 1 tank of petrol, a few mountain goats, a hitchhicker, and a thousand tears later i am home with Lehan relieved that she didn't ahve to call the accident line to see if something had happened to me. :)

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